Do you have highly appreciated stock in your 401(k)?
If so, you may be able to use NUA to save a lot in taxes
You may be able to use NUA to save a lot in taxes.
Is It Time to Think About Tax-Free Income?
Ideas for ways to help reduce your taxable income
Five Investment Tasks to Tackle by Year-End
Ideas for Investors: How Reviewing Your Investment Portfolio Now Can Help
To Election Day and Beyond
With Election Day fast approaching, the guessing game du jour attempts to match the possible election result with a potential stock market reaction, as analysts apply various mathematical divining rods to foretell who will reside in the White House on Inauguration Day.
The Home Stretch
Investors typically try to handicap what effect a potential winner’s policies might have on the stock market. Historically, however, what the stock market does through the three months immediately before the election often foretells who gains the White House.
OARS Wealth Advisors of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC launches in the Danvers Massachusetts Office
Bob Clark and Alan Freeman have launched OARS Wealth Advisors
Bear Markets Come and Go
If you are losing sleep over volatility driven by a cascade of disheartening news, it may help to remember that the stock
market is historically cyclical.
Looking Beyond the Abyss
From February 19, 2020, through March 23, 2020, the stock market experienced a peak-to-trough 35.4% decline that left investors fearing there was no bottom in sight. Three trading sessions later, the S&P 500 had rebounded 20.31% before eventually rallying as much as 35.9% to within 12.3% of its all-time high.
December Investment Perspectives
Find out which sectors stand to benefit post-election, the tax-loss harvesting opportunities in December, and prospects that lie ahead for the market.
Discover Generous New Tax Credits for Start-Up 401(K) Plans
Newly expanded tax credits provide welcome relief from the costs associated with plan administration and company contributions.
Tax-Smart Charitable Gifting Strategies
Take advantage of the current tax rules to support the charities you care about and save on your taxes at the same time. This article features strategies to consider.
Building a Personalized Asset Allocation
Learn how a well-defined asset allocation guides the path your investment portfolio follows to achieve your long-term financial goals.
Here’s What You Can Do to Prevent Check Fraud
Instances of check fraud are on the rise in the U.S. Here are some best practices to help you avoid becoming a victim.
Status and Investment Implications of Infrastructure, Clean Energy, and Semiconductor Spending Acts
In this special report, our Investment Strategy Groups discusses the investment impacts of recent major government spending initiatives.
October Investment Perspectives
We take a closer look at economic activity in China, the potential changes to tax exemptions and what that might mean for munis, and how earnings expectations drive stock prices.