Corporate Executives
As a valued executive of your company, the rewards you receive for your uncommon vision and leadership can be significant. Along with rewards, however, come unique challenges and risks — highly concentrated stock positions, restricted stock grants and warrants, and bonuses/incentive compensation (appreciation rights, performance stock units). Since your earnings are closely related to your company’s success, it is prudent to consider the impact of separating your personal financial future from your employer’s. As a trusted partner, SOUND Wealth Management Group assists in analyzing your sensitivity to a single business entity and encourages clients to remove the emotion and proximity that might skew decisions.
Whether you are an emerging or seasoned executive, SOUND Wealth Management Group will evaluate your benefits and work with you to preemptively model a variety of plans to test the potential consequences of “what if” situations and the probabilities of attaining your financial goals against varying income levels, modified compensation plans, future expenditures, and planned retirement dates.
Backed by Janney’s home office resources, SOUND Wealth Management Group can help with many complex executive transactions, including employee stock ownership plans, cashless stock option exercises, rule 144, 145 and 701 executions, pension buyouts, 10b5-1 sales plans, and hedging and monetization for concentrated equity positions. Further, we can assist with corporate solutions — such as repurchase programs, corporate cash management, executive benefit platforms, and retirement programs.
SOUND Wealth Management Group has become familiar with executive compensation and benefit programs across many companies and industries, providing specific recommendations tailored to individual corporate programs and your personal situation.
When it comes time to transition into retirement or another business opportunity, SOUND Wealth Management Group offers to synchronize your financial plan to your goals and continue to provide informed guidance to you and your family. Gary, holding the Accredited Investment Fiduciary®(AIF®) designation, Brandon, and the entire Sound Wealth Management Group are able to help you plan for your financial goals.
Corporate Employees
Employees of corporations have numerous opportunities and challenges their contemporaries may not face. From corporate benefits programs to legislative changes in pension funds, many are left with more questions about their finances than solutions.
Retirement savings programs, such as 401(k) plans with matching funds from your employer, health and wellness programs, and pensions are important considerations that may have a tremendous impact on an employee and their family’s financial well-being. From new employees to retirees, the professionals of SOUND Wealth Management Group collectively have over four decades of experience assisting corporate employees in navigating the dynamic business environment.
Over the years, we have seen the reduction — even the elimination — of corporate matches and the disposition or transition of pension plans to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) or Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Trusts; the “unknowns” should always be considered. SOUND Wealth Management Group can work with you to preemptively model a variety of plans to test the potential consequences of “what if” situations and the probabilities of attaining your financial goals against varying income levels, modified compensation plans, future expenditures, and planned retirement dates.
Although investment selection within a corporate retirement plan plays an important role in your overall finances, SOUND Wealth Management Group offers to go beyond the traditional investment portfolio and retirement plan allocation by taking the time to understand you and your short- and long-term aspirations. We are available to assist in balancing and managing risks and growth, align your finances (assets and liabilities), and work with you to develop an overall strategic and dynamic financial plan, so you may pursue your goals with confidence and purpose. When it comes time to transition into retirement, SOUND Wealth Management Group offers to synchronize your financial plan to your goals and continue to guide you and your family through the years you have designated for pursuing the lifestyle you had envisioned. Gary, holding the Accredited Investment Fiduciary®(AIF®) designation, Brandon, and the entire Sound Wealth Management Group are able to help you plan for your financial goals.
Artists & Musicians
The two principal partners of SOUND Wealth Management Group — one a former producer/promoter, the other a composer/performer — have developed many relationships with those who have chosen to make the performing arts their profession. As a result, our team understands the complexities and uncertainties within the music and performing arts industries. Songwriters, performers, merchandisers, producers, union members, publishers and executives are all subject to trends, irregular money flows, and unique financial challenges. SOUND Wealth Management Group is acutely aware of the complexities; tours, advances, royalty payments (and the like) are dynamic and require tailored planning and counsel that collectively works to ensure your passion will provide for an enduring lifestyle for you and your family.
Just like a live performance on stage reveals the skill, passion and professionalism of an artist, SOUND Wealth Management Group’s passion and skill reside in helping clients work toward the financial future they desire. Gary, holding the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) designation, Brandon, and the entire Sound Wealth Management Group are able to help you plan for your financial goals.
Artists, and the teams that support them, coordinate to achieve a common goal. We are happy to work with your circle of trusted professionals (agents, business managers, attorneys, accountants, etc.) — while respecting your need for discretion — to ensure all the appropriate facets are considered when developing a wealth management strategy. SOUND Wealth Management Group also works with those who have “stepped out of the spotlight” to develop transition plans to sustain the wealth created from past successes. Whether you are considering content conversion to the Digital Age or evaluating 70-year copyright legacies, we understand your needs and are available to work with you to develop individualized plans to pursue your financial goals.
Medical Professionals
Medical professionals (doctors, dentists, residents and medical support individuals) work in an industry that can be very rewarding — both personally and financially. But operating a full-time business leaves little time to establish, monitor and realize financial goals. SOUND Wealth Management Group is acutely aware of the uncertainty and ongoing evolution within the industry; reimbursements (MU2 & ACA), malpractice and administration costs (ICD-10) constantly disrupt the ability to focus on patient care. SOUND Wealth Management Group works with medical professionals in many states around the country and can help create financial plans and offer solutions to address concerns and bring balance to your life so focus can remain on medicine and care.
Beyond the conventional services expected from a wealth management team, SOUND Wealth Management Group will happily collaborate with your other trusted professional advisors, who can create family limited partnerships or asset-protected trusts, secure umbrella insurance coverage (or “go bare”), and assist in sourcing investment solutions that may mitigate managed reimbursement cutbacks and rising practice expenses.
Within the medical field, SOUND Wealth Management Group offers retirement benefits planning — even beyond the traditional savings and planning methods — including solo 401(k), defined money purchase contributions, defined benefit, cash balance pension, profit sharing plans, and debt management, as well as tax, estate and liability planning to work to ensure adequate finances are in place for opportunities and/or obligations. Further, practices with a limited number of employees offer restricted retirement plan options, so additional planning and consideration are often required for the realization of financial goals.
SOUND Wealth Management Group also works with those who have hung up their white coats to develop transition plans to sustain the wealth created from past successes. Gary, holding the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) designation, Brandon, and the entire Sound Wealth Management Group are able to help you plan for your financial goals.
Reaching retirement is one of life’s greatest milestones, but it comes with significant and ever-changing considerations. From healthcare needs to Social Security benefit structure, many are left with more questions about their finances than solutions.
The professionals of SOUND Wealth Management Group have more than four decades of experience assisting retirees and their families in navigating their later years. We take the time to understand you, your family and your aspirations, and test the potential impact of “what if” scenarios and the probabilities of attaining your financial goals against evolving lifestyle and legacy wishes. The “unknowns” should always be considered when developing, establishing, maintaining and reviewing strategic and dynamic financial plans that you may pursue your passions with confidence and purpose.
Within our wealth management process, SOUND Wealth Management Group offers to take your goals into consideration — incorporating investments, assets and benefits — and, to the extent you prefer, can work with your network of attorneys, who can establish an appropriate trust and estate plan that ensures your family will sustain a lifestyle from past success. Gary, holding the Certification in Long-Term Care (CLTC®) designation, and appointed with some of the nation’s top insurance carriers, SOUND Wealth Management Group has the proficiency and resources to provide solutions for long term care insurance needs. For those who wish to incorporate gifting and philanthropy, we can work with your attorneys, who can facilitate a range of strategies — such as Charitable Lead/Remainder trusts. Gary can also work with your team of professionals to help develop multigenerational education gifting plans.
Gary, holding the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) designation, Brandon, and the entire Sound Wealth Management Group are able to help you plan for your financial goals.
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
Entrepreneurs and business owners know all too well that success requires skill, time and a rational temperament. We at SOUND Wealth Management Group understand the dedication and hard work required to pursue measured growth and positive results of your business.
Although entrepreneurs may take risks in disparate industries, they share a common need to balance long-term investment goals with results to ensure a sustained lifestyle and/or a family legacy. As with most business owners and entrepreneurs, your personal wealth is intertwined with your company, so you may require liquidity solutions and/or have a need to establish a plan for the eventual transfer of wealth required to fund your retirement. SOUND Wealth Management Group works with entrepreneurs and business owners through every stage of their business evolution, from evaluating and obtaining the first loan to analyzing exit strategies, and can offer a myriad of solutions along the way.
SOUND Wealth Management Group takes the time necessary to understand you, your business and your family dynamics, in order to become a trusted third-party, provide thoughtful recommendations and help you address a wide variety of important needs. Some of these needs may include asset protection, cash flow management, tax planning, employee retention, insurance and financing. Coupled with Janney’s resources, SOUND Wealth Management Group is available to work with your network of professionals (such as attorneys and accountants) to develop a wealth management plan that may also include succession objectives. The assurance of knowing that you have a trusted source for financial recommendations can help to allow you to devote more time to your business.
The “unknowns” should always be considered, and SOUND Wealth Management Group will work with you to preemptively model a variety of strategic and dynamic plans and evaluate the potential effects. We will analyze your business model with “what if” scenarios to test probabilities of attaining your financial goals against varying income levels, future expenditures, partnerships, and planned retirement dates.
Gary, holding the Accredited Investment Fiduciary®(AIF®) designation, Brandon, and the entire Sound Wealth Management Group are able to help you plan for your financial goals.
Family Offices, Institutions, & Endowments
Family offices, institutions, and endowments — though seemingly disparate — all have much in common; managing sizeable finances to ensure capital for the present and planning for an abundant future are just a few of the commonalities. SOUND Wealth Management Group is focused on understanding the unique desires of each family and institution, and are available to take on a variety of roles to assist in asset and investment management.
Gary, holding the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) designation, Brandon, and the entire Sound Wealth Management Group are able to help you plan for your financial goals. SOUND Wealth Management Group strives to always provide a transparent investment experience. From supporting you in creating your an investment policy to collaborating with directors, board members, and other professional advisors (such as trustees, attorneys and CPAs), we take your financial needs into account to recommend an investment approach that lines up with your goals. Coupled with the resources of Janney, SOUND Wealth Management Group can provide a gamut of investment, advanced planning, and private investment banking services to develop a wealth management plan.
SOUND Wealth Management Group can employ customized investment solutions — including quantitative and qualitative strategies and separate money managers. We take the necessary time to understand your organization’s financial endeavors and analyze them against “what if” scenarios to test probabilities of attaining your financial objectives against varying money flows, macroeconomics, and future expenditures. SOUND Wealth Management Group assists in balancing and managing risks and growth, aligns finances (assets and liabilities), and develops an overall strategic and dynamic financial plan to seek the realization of financial objectives in a suitable manner, so you may pursue your goals with confidence and purpose.
Pilots of both fixed and rotary wing aircrafts have faced many changes over the years. From corporate chapter 11 bankruptcies to large airline mergers, many have had to adjust to company transformations, making current income and retirement planning even more challenging.
SOUND Wealth Management Group understands the meticulous attention to detail required by pilots to ensure comfort and safety until engines down. From traditional investment and retirement planning to complex A/B pensions and insurance policies, SOUND Wealth Management Group offers the full gamut of wealth management solutions for pilots and their families.
Over the years, we have seen the reduction of corporate matches — even the elimination of — and the disposition or transition of pension plans to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Trusts, or the myriad of air and freight logistics conversion plans, such as Pilots’ Retirement Savings Plan (PRSP), Pilots’ Money Purchase Pension Plan (PMPP) and defined benefit plans. The economic terrain is constantly changing, and the “unknowns” need to be considered; SOUND Wealth Management Group is available to work with families from the major carriers, PPL/PPC holders, and freight and logistics pilots, and are available to work with you and your family to preemptively model a variety of benefits plans to test the potential impact of “what if” scenarios and the probabilities of attaining your financial goals against varying income levels, modified compensation plans, future expenditures, and planned retirement dates.
When it comes time to transition from primary income to sustaining a lifestyle from past success, SOUND Wealth Management Group offers to synchronize your financial plan to your goals and continue to guide you and your family through the years you have designated for pursuing the lifestyle you had envisioned.
Gary, holding the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) designation, Brandon, and the entire Sound Wealth Management Group are able to help you plan for your financial goals.
SOUND Wealth Management Group understands many of the financial needs that are associated with legal proceedings and settlements. The heightened emotional state of legal proceedings can lend itself to rash decisions, so navigating the process successfully requires careful planning and consideration.
Sound Wealth Management Group provides access to information for individuals and families in the process of organizing and analyzing financial assets, and will work with you and your team of trusted professional advisors. Sound Wealth Management Group will take the time to understand you and your family, offering tailored financial plans designed to sustain the wealth you have created. We can help evaluate cash flow and liquidity, develop a budget, and illuminate the implications of large monetary changes. Further, we can work with your legal professionals in their efforts of updating estate documents and beneficiaries, reviewing account structures (such as creditor protected trusts and qualified accounts, and/ or personal and family corporations).
Gary, holding the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) designation, Brandon, and the entire Sound Wealth Management Group are able to help you plan for your financial goals.
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, its affiliates, and its employees are not in the business of providing tax, regulatory, accounting, or legal advice. These materials and any statements are not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used or relied upon for tax, regulatory, accounting, or legal advice. Investing may involve market risk, including possible loss of principal. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
For more information about Janney, please see Janney’s Relationship Summary (Form CRS) on www.janney.com/crs which details all material facts about the scope and terms of our relationship with you and any potential conflicts of interest.