Our first priority is to manage the risks that impact wealthy families. Based on our experience, most investors are unaware of the amount of risk they are taking with strategies they deem as safe, or conservative. We dedicate one section of each financial plan to the analysis of a family’s current risk exposure. Most of the families that come to us are interested in accomplishing very specific goals; as long as they have a plan to accomplish those goals, they are not interested in chasing market trends. Therefore, we have built a process designed to maintain markedly lower volatility than the market as a whole while having the flexibility to quickly pivot if necessary. Our goal is to carefully select deep value opportunities that complement the plan we have built to help families achieve what is important to them. This means that we often look for investment opportunities that do not show their best colors in a 12 month period. However, our experience has been that maintaining disciplined focus and following a meticulous process results in successful long-term growth potential with less anxiety along the way.
We manage money on a discretionary basis, which implies that all investment selection, buy and sell decisions, and position sizes are made by the Braddock Group without obtaining prior permission from the client. It is important that each client is comfortable with discretionary management prior to working with our team. We are compensated for our investment management services on a fee basis, which means that families are charged a yearly asset-under-management fee, debited quarterly.