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The S&P 500 experienced its first real dose of volatility early in the second quarter, but expectations for interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, solid economic growth and continued strong financial performance from AI-related tech companies ultimately pushed the S&P 500 to new all-time highs and the index finished the quarter with strong gains.While the S&P 500 hit new highs in the second quarter, the month of April was decidedly negative for markets as fears of no rate cuts in 2024 (or even a rate hike) pressured stocks. The catalyst for these concerns was the March Consumer Price Index (CPI), which rose 3.5% year over year, higher than estimates. That hotter-than-expected reading reversed several months of declines in CPI and ignited fears that inflation could be “sticky” and, if so, delay expected Fed rate cuts. Those higher rate concerns were then compounded by comments by New York Fed President John Williams, who stated rate hikes (which investors assumed were over) were possible if inflation showed signs of re-accelerating. The practical impact of the hot CPI report and William’s commentary was to push rate cut expectations out from June to September and that caused the 10-year Treasury yield to rise sharply, from 4.20% at the start of the quarter to a high of 4.72%. Those higher yields pressured the S&P 500 in April, which fell 4.08% and completed its worst month since September.On the first day of May, however, the Fed largely dispelled concerns about potential rate hikes and ignited a rebound that ultimately carried the S&P 500 to new highs. At the May 1 FOMC decision, Fed Chair Powell essentially shut the proverbial door on the possibility of rate hikes, stating that if the Fed was concerned about inflation, it would likely just keep interest rates at current levels for a longer period instead of raising them. That comment provided immediate relief for investors and both stocks and bonds rallied early in May as rate hike fears subsided. Then, later in the month, the April CPI report (released in mid-May) rose 3.4% year over year, slightly lower than the 3.5% in March and that resumption of disinflation (the decline in inflation) further increased expectations for rate cuts in 2024. Additionally, employment data moderated in May, with the April jobs report coming in below expectations (but still at healthy levels). The practical result of the resumption of disinflation, the supportive Fed commentary and moderating labor market data was to increase September rate cut expectations, push the 10-year Treasury yield back down below 4.50% and spark a 4.96% rally in the S&P 500 in May.The upward momentum continued in June thanks to more positive news on inflation, additional reassuring commentary from the Fed and strong AI-linked tech earnings. First, the May CPI (released in mid-June) declined to 3.3% year over year, the lowest level since February. Core CPI, which excludes food and energy prices, dropped to the lowest level since April 2021, further confirming ongoing disinflation. Then, at the June FOMC meeting, Fed Chair Powell reassured markets two rate cuts are entirely possible in 2024, reinforcing market expectations for a September rate cut. Economic data, meanwhile, showed continued moderation of activity and that slowing growth and falling inflation helped to push the 10-year Treasury yield close to 4.20%, a multi-month low. Finally, investor excitement for AI remained extreme in June, as strong AI-driven earnings from Oracle (ORCL) and Broadcom (AVGO) along with news Apple (AAPL) was integrating AI technology into future iPhones pushed tech stocks higher and that, combined with falling Treasury yields and rising rate cut expectations, sent the S&P 500 to new all-time highs above 5,500.In sum, markets impressively rebounded from April declines and the S&P 500 hit a new high thanks to increased rate cut expectations, falling Treasury yields and continued robust earnings growth from AI-linked tech companies.Second Quarter Performance ReviewThe second quarter produced a more mixed performance across various markets than the strong return in the S&P 500 might imply, as AI-driven tech-stock enthusiasm again powered the Nasdaq and S&P 500 higher while other major indices lagged. The Nasdaq was, by far, the best performing major index in the second quarter while the S&P 500, where tech is the largest sector weighting, also logged a solidly positive gain. Less tech focused indices didn’t fare as well, however, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and small-cap focused Russell 2000 posted negative quarterly returns.By market capitalization, large caps outperformed small caps in Q2, as they did in the first quarter of 2024. Initially, higher Treasury yields in April weighed on small caps, while late in the second quarter economic growth concerns pressured the Russell 2000.From an investment style standpoint, growth massively outperformed value in the second quarter, as tech-heavy growth funds once again benefited from continued AI enthusiasm. Value funds, which have larger weightings towards financials and industrials, posted a slightly negative quarterly return as the performance of non-tech sectors more reflected growing concerns about economic growth.On a sector level, performance was decidedly mixed as only four of the 11 S&P 500 sectors finished the second quarter with positive returns. The best performing sectors in the second quarter were the AI-linked technology and communications services sectors. They posted strong returns, aided by better-than-expected earnings results from NVDA, ORCL, AVGO, TSM, MSFT, AMZN and others as AI enthusiasm continued to push the broad tech sector and S&P 500 higher. Utilities also logged a modestly positive quarterly return, as the high yields and resilient business models were attractive to investors given rising concerns about future economic growth, while declining Treasury yields made higher dividend sectors such as utilities more attractive to income investors.Turning to the sector laggards, the energy, materials and industrials sectors closed the quarter with modestly negative returns. Their declines reflected growing anxiety about future economic growth as those sectors, along with small-cap stocks, are more sensitive to changes in U.S. and global growth.Internationally, emerging markets outperformed the S&P 500 in Q2 thanks to optimism towards a rebound in Chinese economic growth and as falling global bond yields late in the quarter boosted the attractiveness of emerging market investments. Foreign developed markets, meanwhile, lagged both emerging markets and the S&P 500 and posted a fractionally negative quarterly return. Concerns about the timing and number of Bank of England and European Central Bank rate cuts, along with French and German political concerns later in the quarter, acted as headwinds for foreign developed equities.Switching to fixed income markets, the leading benchmark for bonds (Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index) realized a slightly positive return for the second quarter, as rising expectations for a September Fed rate cut and moderating U.S. economic growth boosted bonds broadly.Looking deeper into the fixed income markets, shorter-duration bonds outperformed those with longer durations in the second quarter, as bond investors priced in sooner-than-later Fed rate cuts. Longer-dated bonds, meanwhile, were little changed on the quarter despite the return of disinflation and moderating U.S. economic growth.Turning to the corporate bond market, lower-quality, but higher-yielding “junk” bonds rose modestly in the second quarter while higher-rated, investment-grade debt logged only a slight decline in Q2. That performance gap reflected continued investor optimism towards corporate profits despite some disappointing economic reports, which led to bond investors taking more risk in exchange for a higher return.Third Quarter Market OutlookStocks begin the third quarter of 2024 riding a wave of optimism and positive news as inflation is declining in earnest, the Fed may deliver the first rate cut in over four years this September, economic growth remains generally solid and substantial earnings growth from AI-linked tech companies has shown no signs of slowing down.Those positives and optimism are reflected in the fact that the S&P 500 has made more than 30 new highs so far in 2024 and is trading at levels that, historically speaking, are richly valued. That said, if inflation continues to decline, economic growth stays solid and the Fed delivers on a September cut, absent any other major surprises, it’s reasonable to expect this strong 2024 rally to continue in Q3.However, while the outlook for stocks is undoubtedly positive right now, market history has shown us that nothing is guaranteed. As such, we must be constantly aware of events that can change the market dynamic, as we do not want to get blindsided by sudden volatility.To that point, the market does face risks as we start the third quarter. Slowing economic growth, disappointment if the Fed doesn’t cut rates in September, underwhelming Q2 earnings results (out in July), a rebound in inflation and geopolitical surprises (including the looming U.S. elections) are all potential negatives. And, given high levels of investor optimism and current market valuations, any of those events could cause a pullback in markets similar to what was experienced in April (or worse).While any of those risks (either by themselves or in combination with one another) could result in a drop in stocks or bond prices, the risk of slowing economic growth is perhaps the most substantial threat to this incredible 2024 rally. To that point, for the first time in years, economic data is pointing to a clear loss of economic momentum. So far, the market has welcomed that moderation in growth because it has increased the chances of a September rate cut. However, if growth begins to slow more than expected and concerns about an economic contraction increase, that would be a new, material negative for markets. Because of that risk, we will be monitoring economic data very closely in the coming months.Bottom line, the outlook for stocks remains positive but that should not be confused with a risk-free environment. There are real risks to this historic rally and we will continue to monitor them closely in the coming quarter.To that point, at Janney Montgomery Scott, we are committed to helping you effectively navigate this investment environment. Successful investing is a marathon, not a sprint, and even intense volatility is unlikely to alter a diversified approach set up to meet your long-term investment goals.Therefore, it’s critical for you to stay invested, remain patient, and stick to the plan, as we’ve worked with you to establish a unique, personal allocation target based on your financial position, risk tolerance, and investment timeline.We remain focused on both opportunities and risks in the markets, and we thank you for your ongoing confidence and trust. Please rest assured that our entire team will remain dedicated to helping you successfully navigate this market environment.For more information about Janney, please see Janney's Relationship Summary (Form CRS) at www.janney.com/crs which details all material facts about the scope and terms of our relationship with you and any potential conflicts of interest.Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments, or to schedule a portfolio review.William A. Murdoch, Jr., CFP®, CRPC®, CLTC®Financial Advisor/Executive Vice President/Wealth ManagementJayne M. Scanlon, CFP®, CLTC®Financial Advisor/Wealth ManagementJanney Montgomery Scott LLC 804 Main Street, Osterville, MA 02655(508) 420-1133This is being provided solely for informational and illustrative purposes, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. The factual information given herein is taken from sources that we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice and do not consider the particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of individual investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results, and future returns are not guaranteed. There are risks associated with investing in stocks, such as a loss of original capital or a decrease in the value of your investment. Employees of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC or its affiliates may, at times, release written or oral commentary, technical analysis or trading strategies that differ from the opinions expressed here.
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The 2023 rally continued in the first quarter of 2024 as a positive combination of stable economic growth, falling inflation, impending Fed rate cuts and ever-growing enthusiasm towards artificial intelligence (AI) propelled stocks higher, as the S&P 500 rose above 5,000 for the first time and hit new all-time highs.The year began with a modest uptick in volatility, as traders and investors initially booked profits following the strong 2023 gains. However, those initially small declines intensified shortly after the start of the year when the December Consumer Price Index, an important inflation indicator, declined less than expected. That reading challenged the idea that inflation was quickly falling towards the Fed’s 2.0% target and caused investors to delay the expected date of the first Fed rate cut, as expectations for that first cut moved from March to June. Fears of potentially higher-than-expected rates pushed stocks temporarily into negative territory early in January. However, the declines didn’t last. First, fourth-quarter corporate earnings were again better than feared and that helped stocks recover from those early declines. Then, in late January, the Federal Reserve clearly signaled that rate hikes were over and strongly hinted that rate cuts would occur in the coming months. Investors seized on that positive message and the S&P 500 hit a new all-time high late in the month and finished with a modest gain, up 1.59%.The rally continued and accelerated in February as fears of a potential rebound in inflation subsided. Inflation metrics released in February largely met expectations and importantly did not imply that inflation was reaccelerating. As such, investor expectations for a June rate cut were strengthened and that helped stocks extend the year-to-date gains. Then, on February 21st, Nvidia, the semiconductor company at the heart of the AI boom, posted much-stronger-than-expected earnings and guidance. Those results further fueled investors’ AI enthusiasm and large-cap tech stocks powered the S&P 500 higher into month-end as the index hit a new record high above 5,000. The benchmark domestic index gained 5.34% in February.The final month of the quarter saw even more gains, aided by familiar factors such as solid economic growth, generally as-expected inflation data, AI enthusiasm and bullish Fed guidance. Broadly speaking, economic and inflation data largely met expectations in March and continued to point towards stable growth and (slowly) falling inflation. Then, in mid-March, updated Federal Reserve interest rate projections still pointed towards three rate cuts in 2024, further reinforcing investor expectations for a June rate cut. Those positive factors combined with additional strong AI-related earnings reports (this time from Micron) to push markets broadly higher as the S&P 500 crossed 5,200 for the first time late in the month and ended March with strong gains.In sum, the 2023 rally continued and accelerated in the first quarter of 2024 thanks to positive news flow that implied stable growth (no recession), still falling inflation, looming Fed rate cuts and continued AI enthusiasm and those factors propelled the S&P 500 to new all-time highs.First Quarter Performance ReviewThe first quarter of 2024 reflected a much more evenly distributed rally compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, where tech and tech-aligned sectors handily outperformed the rest of the markets. Over the past three months markets saw broad gains distributed more equitably amongst various sectors and industries.However, while the rally in stocks did broaden out in the first quarter, that did not benefit small caps as they were some of the notable laggards over the past three months. Small caps registered a positive return for the first quarter but lagged large caps as concerns about stubbornly high interest rates weighed on small caps, as they are more sensitive to higher funding costs and slowing growth.From an investment style standpoint, growth once again outperformed value in the first quarter but the margin was much closer than last year, as both investment styles logged strong quarterly returns. Continued heightened AI enthusiasm was the main reason for the modest growth outperformance over the past three months, as large-cap tech stocks again saw strong rallies in Q1.On a sector level, as mentioned, gains were broad as 10 of the 11 S&P 500 sectors finished the first quarter with a positive return. Unlike 2023, however, tech and tech-aligned sectors didn’t substantially outperform. To that point, the best-performing sectors in the market in the first quarter were communication services, financials, energy and industrials. That sector mix reflected the influences of AI enthusiasm, strong financial stock guidance, solid U.S. economic data and rising optimism towards a rebound in Chinese economic growth. The diversified gains demonstrated that the Q1 rally was driven by a more varied set of influences beyond just AI enthusiasm.Turning to the laggards, the only S&P 500 sector to log a negative return for the first quarter was the real estate sector, as it continues to be weighed down by concerns about the health of the commercial real estate market. Specifically, terrible quarterly earnings from New York Community Bank reminded investors of the sustained weakness in the commercial real estate market and that weighed on the real estate space. Consumer discretionary also lagged and registered only a slightly positive return as numerous retailers warned about a potential slowing of consumer spending during the first quarter (this is something to monitor as we begin the second quarter).Internationally, foreign markets posted solid quarterly gains but still underperformed the S&P 500. Looking deeper, foreign developed markets outperformed emerging markets in Q1 thanks to better-than-expected economic data and as expectations rose for early summer rate cuts from the European Central Bank and Bank of England. Emerging markets, meanwhile, logged only slightly positive returns in Q1 and solidly underperformed the S&P 500 thanks to mixed Chinese economic data and a lack of substantial Chinese economic stimulus early in the quarter.Switching to fixed income markets, the leading benchmark for bonds (Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index) realized a slightly negative return for the first quarter of 2024. Disappointing inflation readings were the primary reason for the weakness in bonds as they delayed the expected start of Fed rate cuts from March until June and caused bond investors to consider that rates may be higher than previously expected over the medium and longer term.Looking deeper into the fixed income markets, longer-duration bonds handily underperformed those with shorter durations. That performance gap was due to the slower-than-expected decline in inflation, because while it won’t materially delay the start of Fed rate cuts, it does threaten to keep rates “higher for longer,” which is a bigger negative for longer-dated debt.Turning to the corporate bond market, higher-yielding but lower-quality “junk” bonds outperformed investment grade debt as looming Fed rate cuts and buoyant inflation, amidst stable economic growth, led bond investors to “reach” for more yield in the riskier parts of the credit spectrum.Second Quarter Market OutlookWe begin the second quarter in the midst of a positive macroeconomic environment as growth appears stable, inflation is still falling, the Fed is likely going to deliver the first rate cut in four years and AI enthusiasm keeps earnings estimates high. But while this is undoubtedly a favorable set up, the strong rally of the last six months has left the S&P 500 at previously historically unsustainable valuations while investor and analyst sentiment is very bullish and, potentially, complacent. So, while the outlook is currently positive, it’s essential we continue to monitor the macroeconomic horizon for risks because at current stretched valuations and with sentiment very bullish, the market is vulnerable to a negative surprise.Specifically, while it’s true that economic growth has remained resilient in the face of higher rates, some data is pointing to a loss of momentum. Retail sales missed expectations in January and February while the unemployment rate jumped to the highest level since 2022 during the first quarter. Neither number warrants concern about the economy right now, but both serve as a reminder to watch data closely as a continued economic expansion is not guaranteed.The scourge of Inflation, meanwhile, is still retreating but the pace of that decline has slowed meaningfully. Core CPI, one of the Fed’s preferred measures of inflation, has barely declined over the past several months as it sat at 4.0% y/y in October and in February was just 3.8% y/y. Meanwhile, other anecdotal indicators of inflation have hinted at a rebound in prices. If inflation bounces back that will reduce the number of Fed rate cuts in 2024 and that disappointment could pressure stocks and bonds.To that point, markets fully expect a June rate cut from the Fed and three rate cuts in 2024 and that assumption was central to the first-quarter rally. However, those rates cuts are not guaranteed and if the Fed does not cut as aggressively as markets expect, that will result in disappointment and a potential decline in stocks and bonds.Finally, investor enthusiasm towards the potential for artificial intelligence remains a critical part of the bull market and strong earnings from Nvidia in February furthered investors’ hopes that AI integration will lead to a profitability and earnings boom, not just for tech companies, but for the entire market. However, that’s also not guaranteed and so far, AI integration has produced a lot of flashy headlines but not a lot of profit maximization for non-tech industries. If AI fails to broadly boost profits and demand declines, that will be a significant negative for this market.Bottom line, this historic rally is currently supported by positive fundamentals. But we cannot let the currently positive set up blind us to risks and that’s why, while we are pleased with the market performance, we are also focused on managing both reward and risk in portfolios, because despite the strong performance this market remains vulnerable to negative news.At Janney Montgomery Scott, we are committed to helping you effectively navigate this challenging investment environment. Successful investing is a marathon, not a sprint, and even through both bull and bear markets, we will remain focused on the diversified approach set up to meet your long-term investment goals.Therefore, it’s critical for you to stay invested, remain patient, and stick to the plan, as we’ve worked with you to establish a unique, personal allocation target based on your financial position, risk tolerance, and investment timeline.We remain vigilant towards risks to portfolios and the economy, and we thank you for your ongoing confidence and trust. Please rest assured that our entire team will remain dedicated to helping you successfully navigate this market environment.Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments, or to schedule a portfolio review.For more information about Janney, please see Janney's Relationship Summary (Form CRS) at www.janney.com/crs which details all material facts about the scope and terms of our relationship with you and any potential conflicts of interest.William A. Murdoch, Jr., CFP®, CRPC®, CLTC®Financial Advisor/Executive Vice President/Wealth ManagementJayne M. Scanlon, CFP®, CLTC®Financial Advisor/Wealth ManagementThis is being provided solely for informational and illustrative purposes, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. The factual information given herein is taken from sources that we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice and do not consider the particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of individual investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results, and future returns are not guaranteed. There are risks associated with investing in stocks, such as a loss of original capital or a decrease in the value of your investment. Employees of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC or its affiliates may, at times, release written or oral commentary, technical analysis or trading strategies that differ from the opinions expressed here.
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Markets staged an impressive reversal in the fourth quarter thanks to a surprise dovish pivot by the Federal Reserve, which combined with solid economic activity and declining inflation to push stocks sharply higher and send the S&P 500 to two-plus-year highs, resulting in the best annual return since 2021. The strong fourth quarter performance somewhat obscures the fact that stocks and bonds started the fourth quarter under significant pressure. First, Treasury yields continued to move higher in early October which weighed on stocks and bonds, just like in the third quarter. Then on October 7th, Hamas soldiers infiltrated settlements in Israel, killing and kidnapping more than 1,200 Israelis in the worst attack on Israel in decades. The market fallout was immediate, as oil prices spiked on fears a broader regional war would ensue between Israel, Hamas, Lebanon and, potentially, Iran. Higher oil prices fueled a further increase in Treasury yields as investors priced in a possible oil-driven bounce back in inflation. Those factors, combined with a lackluster earnings season, resulted in the S&P 500 falling to the lowest levels since mid-May while the 10-year Treasury yield touched 5.00% for the first time since the mid-2000s. However, markets reversed when Fed Governor Chris Waller made comments that implied rate hikes were over and rate cuts may be coming in 2024. The market reaction was immediately positive as stocks and bonds rallied hard into month-end to finish well off the lows and with just a 2% decline.That positive momentum continued in November as the S&P 500 posted its best monthly return of 2023, rising more than 9%. There were several factors that fueled this rally. First, numerous Fed officials echoed Waller’s commentary and investors priced in rate cuts as early as May, substantially earlier than previously expected. Additionally, the Israel/Hamas conflict did not spread and remained contained between Israel and Hamas and oil prices declined as a result, easing inflation concerns. Finally, inflation metrics continued to decline. The year-over-year increase in the Consumer Price Index dropped to 3.14% and that further fueled investor expectations that rate cuts would come in the first half of 2024. Those factors combined with generally favorable seasonality to fuel a welcomed “Santa Claus Rally.”The Santa rally continued and accelerated in December courtesy of the Fed. At the December 13th FOMC meeting, Fed officials clearly signaled that rate hikes were over and forecasted three rate cuts in 2024, one more than previously forecasted. Additionally, Fed Chair Powell did little to push back against the markets’ expectations for rate cuts. Put plainly, the Fed surprisingly pivoted to a more dovish policy stance and that fueled a continuation of the rally that started in late October. The S&P 500 rose to the highest level since January 2022 while the Dow Industrials hit a new all-time high. In sum, 2023 was a year of surprises for the markets as the expectations for a recession never materialized, inflation fell faster than forecasts, corporate earnings proved resilient and the Fed surprised markets by pivoting to a more dovish future policy. The result was substantial gains for the major averages. Q4 and Full Year 2023 Performance ReviewStocks enjoyed a broad and powerful rally in the fourth quarter as all four major U.S. stock indices posted strong quarterly gains. Investor expectations for rate cuts in 2024 were a major influence on markets in the fourth quarter as the Russell 2000 and Nasdaq 100 outperformed the S&P 500 over the past three months, as companies in those two indices are expected to benefit most from a sustainable decline in interest rates. For the full year, however, the dual influences of 1) Artificial Intelligence (AI) enthusiasm and 2) Rate cut expectations drove performance as the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 massively outperformed the other major stock indices, surging more than 50%. The S&P 500 also logged a substantial gain of over 20% thanks mostly to the large weighting of technology stocks in the index. The less-tech-stock-sensitive Dow Industrials and Russell 2000 also enjoyed strong returns in 2023, but relatively underperformed the Nasdaq and S&P 500. Notably, the index performance for the full year 2023 was the opposite of 2022, where we saw the Nasdaq and small caps decline substantially more than the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average.  By market capitalization, small caps outperformed large caps in the fourth quarter thanks to those surging rate cut expectations, as lower rates are typically most beneficial for smaller companies. For the full year, however, large caps handily outperformed small caps thanks to the strength in large-cap tech stocks and as the higher rates in the first three quarters of 2023 weighed on small cap performance earlier in the year. From an investment-style standpoint, growth significantly outperformed value both in the fourth quarter and for the full year. The reasons were familiar ones: Artificial intelligence enthusiasm powered tech-heavy growth funds early in 2023 while in the fourth quarter expectations for rate cuts were seen as positive for growth stocks. Growth outperforming value is also the opposite of 2022, where higher rates and recession fears resulted in value outperforming growth. On a sector level, 10 of the 11 S&P 500 sectors finished the fourth quarter with a positive return, while eight of the 11 sectors ended 2023 with gains. Not surprisingly, the dual influences of artificial intelligence enthusiasm and expectations for rate cuts drove sector trading in the fourth quarter and throughout the year. In the fourth quarter, the influence of expected lower rates was dominant as REITs were the best performing sector, followed by tech. Both stand to benefit from falling interest rates. Cyclical sectors also outperformed over the past three months as expectations for stable economic growth rose as the Fed telegraphed future rate cuts. For the full year, however, the influence of AI enthusiasm was clearly the dominant influence on sector trading, as the three most “AI sensitive” sectors (tech, consumer discretionary and communications services) massively outperformed the remaining eight S&P 500 sectors.Looking at sector laggards for the fourth quarter and for the full year, defensive sectors including consumer staples and utilities lagged as economic growth was more resilient than expected while higher rates (for most of 2023) reduced the demand for high dividend yielding sectors. Consumer staples and utilities posted negative returns for 2023 after being the best relative performers in 2022.   Internationally, foreign markets lagged the S&P 500 in the fourth quarter thanks mostly to muted gains in the emerging markets following increased geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and on continued lackluster Chinese economic growth. Foreign developed markets outperformed emerging markets in Q4 on better-than-expected inflation readings and rising expectations other major central banks will follow the Fed’s lead and cut rates in 2024. For the full-year 2023, foreign developed markets registered solidly positive returns but handily underperformed the S&P 500 thanks primarily to the large gains in U.S. tech stocks. Switching to fixed income markets, the leading benchmark for bonds (Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index) realized a positive return for the fourth quarter and for the full year as falling inflation and expectations for rate cuts in 2024 pushed bonds higher. Looking deeper into the fixed income markets, longer-duration bonds outperformed those with shorter durations in the fourth quarter as bond investors reacted to lower-than-expected inflation and priced in future Fed rate cuts. For the full year, however, shorter-duration debt outperformed longer-term bonds as high inflation readings through the first three quarters of 2024 weighed on the long end of the yield curve. Turning to the corporate bond market, both high yield and investment grade bonds posted sharply positive returns for the fourth quarter as investors embraced the idea of lower interest rates and reduced recession chances. For the full year, high yield corporate bonds posted a very strong return and outperformed investment grade corporate debt as the resilient economy pushed investors to embrace more risk in return for a higher yield. Q1 and 2024 Market OutlookWhat a difference a year makes.At this time last year, the S&P 500 had just logged its worst annual performance since the financial crisis, the Fed was in the midst of the most aggressive rate hike campaign in decades, inflation was above 6% and concerns about an imminent recession were pervasive across Wall Street. Now, as we begin 2024, the market outlook couldn’t be much more positive. The Fed is done with rate hikes and cuts are on the way, likely in early 2024. Economic growth has proven more resilient than most could have expected and fears of a recession are all but dead. Inflation dropped substantially in 2023 and is not far from the Fed’s target while corporate earnings growth is expected to resume in the coming year.Undoubtedly, that’s a more positive environment for investors compared to the start of 2023, but just like overly pessimistic forecasts for 2023 proved incorrect, as we look ahead to 2024, we must guard against complacency because at current levels both stocks and bonds have priced in a lot of positives in the new year.Starting with Fed policy, Fed officials are forecasting three rate cuts in 2024 but investors are currently pricing in six rate cuts in 2024 with the first one occurring in March or May. That’s a very aggressive assumption and if it is incorrect, we should expect an increase in volatility in both stocks and bonds. Regarding economic growth, it’s foolish to assume just because the economy was resilient in 2023 that it will stay resilient. Obviously, that’s the hope, but hope isn’t a strategy. The longer rates stay high (and they are still high) the more of a drag they create on the economy. Meanwhile, all the remnants of pandemic-era stimulus are gone and there is some economic data that’s starting to point towards reduced consumer spending. Point being, it is premature to believe the economy is “in the clear” and a slowing of growth is something we will be on alert for as we start the new year, because that would also increase market volatility. Inflation, meanwhile, has declined sharply but it still remains solidly above the Fed’s 2% target. Many investors expect inflation to continue to decline while economic growth stays resilient, a concept traders coined “Immaculate Disinflation.” However, while that’s possible, it’s important to point out it’s extremely rare as declines in inflation are usually accompanied by an economic slowdown. Finally, corporate earnings have proven resilient but companies are now facing margin compression as inflation declines and economic growth potentially slows. Earnings results and guidance in the fourth quarter were not as strong as earlier in 2023 and if earnings are weaker than expected, that will be another potential headwind on markets. Bottom line, while undoubtedly the outlook for markets is more positive this year than it was last year, we won’t allow that to breed a sense of complacency because as the past several years have shown, markets and the economy rarely behave according to Wall Street’s expectations. As such, while we are prepared for the positive outcome currently expected by investors, we are also focused on managing both risks and return potential because the past several years demonstrated that a well-planned, long-term focused and diversified financial plan can withstand virtually any market surprise and related bout of volatility, including multi-decade highs in inflation, historic Fed rate hikes, and geopolitical unrest.At Janney Montgomery Scott, we understand the opportunities and risks facing both the markets and the economy, and we are committed to helping you effectively navigate this challenging investment environment. Successful investing is a marathon, not a sprint, and even intense volatility is unlikely to alter a diversified approach set up to meet your long-term investment goals.Therefore, it’s critical for you to stay invested, remain patient, and stick to the plan, as we’ve worked with you to establish a unique, personal allocation target based on your financial position, risk tolerance, and investment timeline.We thank you for your ongoing confidence and trust and please rest assured that our entire team will remain dedicated to helping you successfully navigate this market environment.Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments, or to schedule a portfolio review.For more information about Janney, please see Janney's Relationship Summary (Form CRS) at www.janney.com/crs which details all material facts about the scope and terms of our relationship with you and any potential conflicts of interest.Sincerely,William A. Murdoch, Jr., CFP®, CRPC®, CLTC® Financial Advisor/Executive Vice President/Wealth ManagementJayne M. Scanlon, J.D., CFP®, CLTC®Financial Advisor/Wealth Management  Janney Montgomery Scott LLC804 Main Street, Osterville, MA 02655(508) 420-1133www.janneyosterville.com wmurdoch@janney.com  | jscanlon@janney.com This is being provided solely for informational and illustrative purposes, is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. The factual information given herein is taken from sources that we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice and do not consider the particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of individual investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results, and future returns are not guaranteed. There are risks associated with investing in stocks, such as a loss of original capital or a decrease in the value of your investment. Employees of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC or its affiliates may, at times, release written or oral commentary, technical analysis or trading strategies that differ from the opinions expressed here.
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