News and Commentary

Divorce Financial Planning
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Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
What is a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO)? A qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) is a court judgment, decree, or order establishing the marital property rights of a spouse, former spouse, child, or dependent of a pension plan participant with respect to certain qualified retirement plans. Several requirements and restrictions apply.
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Tax Issues Related to Divorce
What are the tax issues related to divorce? If you're separated or divorced, it's important for you to become familiar with certain tax issues. Familiarity with the tax consequences of your financial and personal decisions might cause you to alter your plans in some areas. You should be aware of the tax impact of your filing status, and you should know how a married couple's income and expenses may be divided for tax purposes. You should also be aware of the tax treatment of pensions, alimony, and child support, and you should know the significance of claiming a child as a dependent. Additionally, the tax treatment of property settlements and the redemption of a spouse's stock in a family business should be understood, as should the use of trusts and escrow accounts in divorce proceedings.
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Divorce and Estate Planning
How does divorce affect estate planning? Wills for both spouses are often drawn up sometime during the marriage--particularly if there are children involved. When divorce is contemplated, the selection of beneficiaries and executors will likely be revised to reflect the absence of your former spouse.
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