Video Library - "Your Daly Dose"
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Getting Organized By Taking a Financial Inventory
When was the last time that you took your personal finance inventory?
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Leaving Your Employer?
Don’t Forget Your Retirement Savings Plan
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The Cost of Waiting to Invest: Effect on Your Wallet Tomorrow
Putting off investing can cost you in the long run.
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The 3 Phases of Business Continuation Planning
Do you have a plan in place for your business' future?
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The Pros and Cons of a Big Tax Refund
Should you be taking another look at your withholdings?
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3 Factors to Consider When Investing for the Long Term
Proper planning can help guide your portfolio for the long term.
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Securities Based Lending
Should you consider Securities Based Lending?
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Do You Know Who your Beneficiaries Are?
Have you checked your Retirement accounts lately?
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Six Reasons to Work with a Financial Professional
Does it make sense to use the services of a Financial Advisor?
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The Financial Planning Process
What components make up a Financial Plan?
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An Overview of Financial Planning
Would you benefit from having a Financial Planner?
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Insuring Your Vacation Home
What are some of the things to consider when insuring your vacation home?
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Pay Down Loan or Invest?
Clients often ask, does it make more sense to pay down a loan or invest the money?
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How Much Will it Cost to Own a Vacation Home?
Owning a Vacation Home May Cost More Than You Think.
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Taking a Closer Look at Target Date Funds
Are you wondering how Target Date Funds work?
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What to Look for in a Vacation Home
Buying a vacation home is a large investment. There are things you should consider before you begin your search.
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The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has once again extended the REAL ID enforcement deadline.
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Should You Buy a Vacation Home?
Many of us dream of owning a vacation home but does purchasing one make sense for you?
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401k Tax Benefits
Besides building a nest egg for retirement, the benefits of contributing to a 401k can include lowering your current tax bill.
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Sequence of Returns
Market conditions can impact your retirement nest egg depending on when you retire. There are strategies to help minimize these effects.
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ETFs vs. Mutual Funds
ETFs and Mutual Funds are similar but there are some key differences..
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The Rule of 72
Learn About the Rule of 72 and How it Can Be Helpful.
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The Latte Habit
A small amount can make a big impact on your finances.
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The 1 Percent Difference
Saving more can be as easy as one percent.
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4 Mistakes You May Be Making
Adjusting How You Approach Your Finances Can Put You On the Road to Success.
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Are Your Investment Decisions Influenced by Your Emotions
Your emotions could be adversely affecting your investment decisions.
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Should You Buy or Lease Your Car?
Whether to buy or lease often depends on how you use your car.
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Umbrella Liability Insurance
Many clients ask, “Do I need additional Liability Insurance?”
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Wills vs. Trusts
What are some of the things a trust offers that a will does not?
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Are There Any Ways to Lower the Cost of College?
College can be one of the biggest expense a parent can expect to have. There are ways to save money.
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Tips for Living in the Sandwich Generation
Are you feeling the generational squeeze?
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Divorce – It Happens.
Finances are an important part of any Divorce.
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Rental of Vacation Property
Some things to consider when purchasing a vacation rental.
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Six Keys to More Successful Investing
Steps that may help you invest more successfully
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Disability Planning
Many people do not realize they are underinsured in case of disability
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Have You Prepared Your Emergency Fund
Some clients ask “What is a good amount to have on hand for an emergency?”
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How to Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft
Steps to take to protect yourself against Identity Theft
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Long Term Care Planning
How prepared are you for Long Term Care expenses?
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ESG Investing
Is it possible to invest in a socially responsible way?
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Equity Allocation Rule
Many clients ask “How much equity exposure should I have?”
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Charitable Giving with Donor Advised Funds
Utilizing Donor Advised Funds for Charitable Giving
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How Long Should I Keep My Tax Returns
Clients often ask me how long they should keep their tax returns.
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How To Begin Planning For Social Security
Knowing how much retirement income you may receive from social security might help you decide when to begin claiming benefits.
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Contact us today to discuss how we can put a plan in place designed to help you reach your financial goals.