Richmond Cycling Corps

MISSION: To educate and empower the lives of Richmond youth living in the heart of the East End by constantly pivoting towards relevant outreach.
Community Involvement Photo

Fives Spokes of the RCC Wheel

Richmond Cycling Corps is beyond just the bicycle. Below are the five pillars that steer our mission:

Community — Constantly pivot toward relevant outreach to enrich the communities in the heart of public housing.

Education — Invest resources to educate the most marginalized high-school youth who are unable to succeed in a traditional education environment. The students who are chronically absent, failing, suspended, expelled, etc.

Employment — Provide employment opportunities to empower Richmond's youth through local businesses and through our own Kickstand.

Health & Wellness — Use cycling as a tool to create engagement as a means toward further development.

Individual Support — Provide structure and stability as an invested ally in the lives of those we serve.

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Contact us today to discuss how we can put a plan in place designed to help you reach your financial goals.