The Wolf House is now being restored to its original state and will soon become an art museum.

Angel Flight Pilot: Sam Nelson
Sam Nelson, one of our clients, flies around the USA to help people in need.

Coral Reef Scientist John Reed
John specializes in research and conservation of the coral reefs. He’s led many research expeditions in over 40 countries.

Miami Univ. Alum Don Crain
Don Crain was inducted into the Miami University Hall of Fame.

Vaccine Inventor Richard Ward
Richard Ward, local Cincinnatian, is an inventor of a vaccine that protects young children from rotavirus.

Julie Anne From NLFB
Julie Anne volunteers with New Life Furniture Bank, Cincinnati's only furniture bank.

Jay In Afghanistan
Jay is currently serving a tour in Afghanistan.

Bob From Seattle
Check out Bob's fantastic photographs and paintings.

Operation Smile
A client of ours helped treat cleft lip and palate in children with Operation Smile.