Wealth Management

Our goal is to support your practice with personalized assistance and access to qualified wealth management professionals, enabling you to provide the highest standard of service.
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“We do not have a proprietary focus. We maintain an open architecture for product and Solution access—no product haircuts, and no competition between different areas of the firm.” – John Yackel, Head of Wealth Management

Financial Advisors want flexibility to offer their clients investments and financial solutions that match their needs. Janney understands why having choices is so important to you. After all, you know your clients best. That’s why we maintain an open architecture platform for the products and services we offer.

We also price our services so that we don’t set one area of our business against another in competition for your clients’ business. Instead, Janney gives you access to investment products from an array of leading providers— names your clients often recognize and request.

We don’t have a proprietary focus. We put the decisions exactly where they should be—in your hands.

Advisory Consulting Group

  • Centralized resource for financial advisors regarding all fee-based, mutual fund, and ETP inquiries
  • Responsible for client-facing proposals and guidance, including preparation of product solution screens, hypotheticals, portfolio reviews, and asset allocation models
  • Provides advisors with fee-based platform education
  • Assists advisors in transitioning to advisory business


Product Research and Due Diligence

  • Provides whitepapers, fact sheets, monthly and quarterly product commentary
  • Provides manager, fund, and ETF research
  • Group members act as subject matter experts in areas of traditional and alternative investment strategies
  • Educates advisors about the various managers, their strategies, and how to best implement them


Financial and Estate Planning

  • Staffed with highly skilled, well-qualified professionals including JDs, CPA® and CFP® professionals, and support teams; group members act as subject matter experts in support of financial advisors
  • Provides comprehensive, goals-based advice and financial plans that are integrated with Janney’s full product and service platform
  • Attends client and prospect face-to-face meetings with advisors, their clients, and other professional experts
  • Areas of department specialties include:
  • Net Worth Analysis, Retirement Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Income Optimization, Social Security Optimization, Education Savings Evaluation, Estate and Wealth Transfer Options, Business Ownership Issues


Investment Strategy Group

  • An experienced research team headed by nationally recognized Investment Strategist, Mark Luschini 
  • Daily, monthly, and quarterly market updates, commentary, and client-approved whitepapers


Separate & Unified Account Manager Platform

  • More than 100 managers available in 170 separate mandates
  • Access to exclusive boutique money managers who may not be available at larger wirehouses
  • Ability to combine multiple managers in a single account


Investment Company Solutions 

  • Over 250 different fund families available
  • Access to the top 529 plan providers nationwide
  • All major UIT providers offered on the platform
  • Regular ETF spotlights and best trading practices
  • Weekly closed-end market review


Insured Solutions

  • Solutions include: Annuities, Life, Long-Term Care, and Disability Insurance
  • The Insured Solutions Team provides product support, subject matter expertise, and coordinates “point of sale” specialists to help you present, close, and underwrite business
  • Annuity applications are able to be processed electronically & efficiently utilizing the AnnuityNet platform
  • Janney Annuity X-Ray (JAX) provides FAs with a comprehensive view of their annuity book of business
  • Annuity and insurance platform highlights include the following: Open architecture with access to more than 25 different life insurance and annuity carriers
  • No haircuts on any insurance, annuity commissions, or trails


Janney Capital Management

  • Oversees approximately $3.4 billion in discretionary, separately managed account assets
  • Provides customized solutions through the use of one or more of our separately managed investment options: All Cap Core, Equity Income, Active Index Strategy, Intermediate Government/Credit, Tax-Exempt Municipal, Active Index Strategy Fixed Income, Active Index Strategy Municipal, Dynamic Asset Strategy, Dynamic Income Strategy, Global Small Cap, Taxable and Tax-Exempt Laddered Income Strategies, ETF Advantage, Keystone
  • GIPS-conforming track record dating back to 1999
  • “Top 10 Manager of the Decade” and “Top Guns Manager” rating by PSN database


Janney Advantage® Cash Management Services

  • Insured Sweep Program offering $2,500,000 in FDIC insurance for both individual and corporate accounts
  • Taxable and tax-free money market funds
  • Check writing
  • Platinum VISA® debit card with rewards points, Apple Pay, and Visa Account Updater
  • Worldwide ATM withdrawals, transaction fees credited back to your account (foreign ATMs excluded)
  • Online bill payment to any creditor with a U.S. address 


Trust Services

  • Services for trusts requiring corporate trustees in excess of $250,000, which may include many different types of assets and real estate
  • Trusts are maintained and managed at Janney through its discretionary Investment Advisory platform
  • Partnership with outside trust companies ensures that Janney handles the investment management, while the partner trust company manages administrative oversight; this allows all parties to best use their expertise to the benefit of the grantors and beneficiaries of the trust


Janney Retirement Plan Services

  • Provides access to the major 401(k) product providers in the marketplace
  • Provides sales and service support including plan design analysis, provider searches, technical support, client meetings, and access to marketing resources
  • Offers fee-based consulting arrangements with a full menu of services


Securities-Based Lending

  • Provides Janney clients with a credit line that may be used for most purposes other than to purchase, trade, or carry securities. These services are offered through a third-party lender and margin is available in-house. Both allow clients to pledge eligible securities held at Janney as collateral for a loan
Preferred Communication Method
Contact us today to discuss how we can put a plan in place designed to help you reach your financial goals.