Little League promotes a healthy balance of community-based activities through regular-season play among local teams and access to the world’s largest youth baseball and softball tournament for more advanced players – the Little League International Tournament. The organization offers programs and divisions of play that serve boys and girls, ages 4 to 18.
Whether physically or developmentally disabled (Challenger Division®) or living in an area where green space is sparse (Little League Urban Initiative), children and their families involved in Little League can craft a program to fit the needs of their neighborhood or community. What’s important is having an understanding of the needs and wants of your area. The Little League program is “your” program and the people where you live decide what to make of it.
The Providence office hosted a celebration dinner for the Cumberland American Baseball Little League Team for their accomplishments in the Little League World Series. It was held on October 6 at Angelo's Palace Pizza in Cumberland. Guests includes Daniel J. McKee, Mayor of Cumberland and Charles A. Lombardi, Mayor of North Providence.
Congratulations to all of the players, coaches and their families. We are proud of you!