Research & Insights

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Mobile Check Deposit
In light of the health circumstances, clients have appreciated learning that checks can be deposited to your Janney account from home.
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Office Temporarily Closed
Due to the effects of Covid-19, our office location is temporarily closed. During this time, our top priorities are the health and safety of our employees and clients, and that we maintain the service you need during this emotional time.
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Meeting Information, Options and Digital Resources
As you are aware, the number of Covid-19 (coronavirus) cases continues to spread. During this time, our top priorities are the health and safety of our employees and clients, and that we maintain the support you need during this emotional time.
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College Cost Data for 2019-2020 School Year
Each year, the College Board releases its annual Trends in College Pricing report that highlights current college costs and trends. While costs can vary significantly depending on the region and college, the College Board publishes average cost figures, which are based on a survey of nearly 4,000 colleges across the country.
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Beware of These Top Tax Scams When Filing Your Taxes
The IRS produces a list of its “Dirty Dozen” tax scams each year. These scams tend to spike from December through April, but they can—and do—happen year-round. It’s wise to be familiar with the latest list of common issues—and take some simple steps to stay safe from them.
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January Investment Perspectives
In this issue we look at what will shape the economy in 2025, revisit last year’s market themes, and discuss how history may hint at what’s ahead.
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Tax-Smart Charitable Gifting Strategies
Take advantage of the current tax rules to support the charities you care about and save on your taxes at the same time. This article features strategies to consider.
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Building a Personalized Asset Allocation
Learn how a well-defined asset allocation guides the path your investment portfolio follows to achieve your long-term financial goals.
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Here’s What You Can Do to Prevent Check Fraud
Instances of check fraud are on the rise in the U.S. Here are some best practices to help you avoid becoming a victim.
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Status and Investment Implications of Infrastructure, Clean Energy, and Semiconductor Spending Acts
In this special report, our Investment Strategy Groups discusses the investment impacts of recent major government spending initiatives.
Preferred Communication Method
Contact us today to discuss how we can put a plan in place designed to help you reach your financial goals.