A first half and quarter to forget and the worst since 1970…when I was born. Recall, here was my message in January; “What a year was had by our investors and portfolios in 2021 and again another double digit increase in the S&P 500. We all need to celebrate but remember these times and the profit-padding we’ve built when the markets inevitably have a downturn.” Unfortunately, the times have changed rather quickly, and we are in the midst of a recession or at least the market is telling us. With the Fed raising rates, we will continue to look for opportunities in fixed income and tax swaps in all areas of our portfolios. As I suggested last year, these are the times where watching the market weekly or daily, VERSUS referring periodically to the financial game plan we’ve constructed for you, can hamper your long term success. Thanks for your trust and patience in this historic time.
See the attached for more detail on the quarter: Quarterly Market Review
SWM News:
Kevin’s daughter Ridley made the Championship swim team (as the youngest swimmer!) and helped lead the Capital City Waves to a victory in both the 100-yard freestyle relay and overall Championship meet!
Jeff enjoyed his first trip to Italy for his birthday. And in May, his son, Palmer, finished 3rd in the state in the long jump in his final senior season.