Who We Are
Community Involvement
We’re proud to support the communities we live and work in. We strive to connect with our communities in a meaningful way, bringing about positive change and helping to provide services and resources to help them thrive.

Team Volunteering
Habitat For Humanity
Harford County Humane Society

Aberdeen Rotary
Service Above Self:"Of the things we think, say or do:Is it the TRUTH?Is it FAIR to all concerned?Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Havre De Grace Decoy Museum
Located on the banks of the historic Susquehanna Flats, the Havre de Grace Decoy Museum houses one of the finest collections of working and decorative Chesapeake Bay decoys ever assembled. The museum was established in 1986 as a private, non-profit institution existing to preserve the historical and cultural legacy of waterfowling and decoy making on the Chesapeake Bay. Todd currently serves on the Board of Directors for the museum.