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Smith Wealth Advisory Group is honored to be acknowledged by numerous institutions and publications including Forbes, Financial Times, Central Penn Business Journal and more.

AdvisorHub 250 Advisors to Watch Under $1B
Kevin Smith has been named to the AdvisorHub 2024 list of 250 Advisors to Watch Under $1B

Forbes Best-in-State 2024 Wealth Advisors in Pennsylvania
For the fifth consecutive year, Kevin Smith has been named to the Forbes list of Best-In-State Wealth Advisors in Pennsylvania

Forbes Best-in-State 2024 Wealth Management Team in Pennsylvania
Smith Wealth Advisory Group has been named to the 2024 Forbes list of Best-in-State Wealth Management Teams in Pennsylvania
Our Team
Smith Wealth Advisory Group is proud to offer “a wealth of knowledge about wealth”®. Although most define wealth in monetary terms, we believe that true wealth has little to do with money. Among other influences, we are guided by a quote from Henry David Thoreau: "Wealth is the ability to fully experience life." In our minds, the key to becoming "wealthy" is to enjoy the riches of life itself. Being an effective wealth advisor is less about helping you accumulate and protect a certain dollar amount than it is about helping you use it to enjoy life, cross off "bucket list" items, and experience all the things money itself can't buy. We help you educate your children and grandchildren so that they can have promising futures. We help you retire comfortably, support worthwhile causes, endow meaningful legacies, age with dignity, and so much more. In short, we make our living by making a difference.Whether you enjoy sharing life’s insights over coffee, playing a round of golf, or relaxing at a family gathering, our team is all about developing truly personal relationships so that we can create more customized financial strategies designed to help you "fully experience life."Our value proposition is centered not only upon our vast knowledge and experience, but also upon the nature of what's within the hearts of each member of our team. The achievement of 13 professional designations demonstrating specialized knowledge in Retirement Income Planning and Social Security, Portfolio Management, Charitable Giving and Philanthropy, and broader financial planning and comprehensive wealth management issues for corporate executives, business owners, physicians, and affluent individuals and their families is unprecedented not only within the local area but within the entire financial services industry and country at large. Far more importantly, we are guided by our passion to serve the greater good. Knowledge can be learned, but what cannot be taught are the values, character, and integrity possessed by each member of our team. As advisors, we consider ourselves stewards of your assets and advise you accordingly. Genuine, sincere, loyal, dependable, and wise are hallmarks of who we are, how we function, and how we wish to be remembered. We recognize the importance of our advice, and aspire to meaningfully improve the lives of our clients, our communities, and the world in which we live through our insights.
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What We Do
No matter where you are in life – we’re here for you through every step of your financial journey.

Why We Do It
Why We Do It

College Saving and Funding Plans
As the price of education continues to rise, affording the cost of higher education may require a customized plan to meet your funding needs, while balancing other expenses and goals.

Financial Planning
No matter where you are in life – we’re here to help you every step of the way. We have the knowledge and experience to analyze your current financial situation, and provide a personalized plan designed to meet your specific needs.
Community Involvement
At Smith Wealth Advisory Group, we believe in the importance of giving back to our community and paying it forward to support the greater good. A small act of kindness can often make a large impact in the hearts of others in meaningful and profound ways.
Check out information on upcoming and past events we’re pleased to offer you, virtually and/or in person, on a variety of topics.

Recent Event: Maximize the Value of Your Business with Insights from an Investment Banker
If you own a business, selling your company could be the most important financial transaction you’ll undertake.

Recent Event: Janney’s 2025 Market Outlook
What can we expect for the economy and markets in 2025?

Recent Event: The Washington Update
Year-End Planning & Election Update with Jeff Bush.
Recent Updates
Stay up-to-date and in-the know about every aspect of your financial picture.
February 11, 2025

Smith Wealth Advisory Group has been named to the Forbes 2025 Best-In-State Wealth Management Teams list.
“I am truly honored and humbled that Smith Wealth Advisory Group of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC was recently named by Forbes as a 2025 Best-in-State Wealth Management Team.
This prestigious recognition is a reflection of the efforts and dedication of Alyssum Keefer, Tyler Lerman, Joshua Hogan, Dylan Poremski, and Jordan Crone who are not only top-notch professionals but top-notch individuals who routinely provide quality advice and service with the utmost character, integrity, and purest hearts of gold.
I couldn’t be more proud of you. 👏
It’s also a reflection of our clients, who are our “why.” It’s truly a blessing to do what we love for the betterment of those we love doing it for. We appreciate you. Being of service and earning your trust has been our highest honor. ❤️
Here’s to “Us”. Thank you. 🙏”
- Kevin Smith
For more information on the scope of consideration for referenced industry awards or accolades, please visit Janney.com/awards-disclosures
Research & Insights
Access our latest research and insights covering market news, financial planning topics, and more.

Market Update - Smith Wealth Advisory Group
Market Update - Smith Wealth Advisory Group

2020 Year-end Reflections from Kevin Smith
2020 Year-end Reflections

The Ugliness of the Storm Determines the Beauty of the Rainbow
At the time of my last correspondence the number of Coronavirus cases and related deaths were accelerating, financial markets were reeling, and the outlook on both fronts appeared grim. The S & P 500 had declined 35% from its February 19th peak, and credit markets were facing similar stress given the implications of widespread business and economic shutdowns. We were very much in the “heart of the storm.” My message to you then was simple: “Believe in America.”
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