Dear Friends: Although the effects of the Coronavirus on financial markets are well known, important facts about the virus itself and precautionary measures that can be taken are less so. Proper education eliminates uncertainty and reduces fear. Below is a link to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website which can be used to answer basic questions and provide helpful steps for higher-risk individuals and populations. Financial markets are likely to improve as the virus runs its course and begins to dissipate, which is highly dependent upon making wise, healthy, and smart decisions which are well within control. We each have a responsibility - to ourselves, to our loved ones, to others, and indeed for the best interests of our country – in that regard.
Stay healthy. Be safe. Be smart. We’re all in this together, but we will ultimately prevail and get through this together as well. Sincerely,
-Kevin Smith and Smith Wealth Advisory Group https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html